Saturday, December 02, 2006

Muhammad Haque commenting on the British press reports on Eddington

AADHIKAR in association with ‘KHOODEELAAR! the Brick Lane and Whitechapel London E1 Area No to CrossRail hole Bill’ campaign

The 5th Edition published from London at 1425 Hrs GMT /UK time on Saturday 2 December

2006About AADHIKAR Media Foundation, LEGAL DISCLAIMER in brief on accessing these contents and what the word AADHIKAR means Updated on Thursday 16 November 2006

Legal and evidential disclaimer: London Wednesday 29 November 2006Reporting and commentary exclusively commissioned, written, edited and published by AADHIKARonline coming straight from the centre of the East End of London engaged in the battle to defend the community against multifarious attacks by Big Business, their touts in control of the 'local democratic' council [!], an inept band of opposition on the council and assortment of other 'holders of public post' in the name of the local area

AADHIKARonline published by the AADHIKAR MEDIA FOUNDATION in association with Khoodeelaar! No to Crossrail hole Bill
– Publishing programme on Saturday 2 December 2006 – The forthcoming editions of the AADHIKARonline news and commentary pages will be dedicated mainly to the series under “ Khoodeelaar! Response to the Rod Eddington Report on Transport, as officially published on Friday 1 December 2006”. The report itself is titled as follows: “The Eddington - Transport Study - The case for action -Sir Rod Eddington’s advice to Government December 2006 ” [in this edition] include these:-

How the Eddington report vindicates the Khoodeelaar! Analasyis as far as it affects the matter of public funding and transport economics

How the Financial ‘journalists’ are not all as knowledgeable far less honest as they ought to be and why the Guardian has been lying about Eddington as part of the Guardian’s illicit and corrupt pact with Crossrail hole promoters generally and with Ken Livingstone in particular
Why CrossRail hole Bill-crazy Ken Livingstone doesn’t have the requisite knowledge to be taken seriously about anything he says on Transport economics, given the brazenly rightward and ignorant and petty and corrupting moves that Livingstone keeps making every day -
Why Tower Hamlets Council and other holders of public offices in the name of the people of Tower Hamlets should pay attention to the specific points that Khoodeelaar! Has made and points that are echoed in effect in the Eddington report

Even the incredibly establishment-pleasing Jonathan Dimbore, fronting the 'Any Answers' programme right now '1425 Hrs GMT Saturday 2 December 2006] has failed to show any enthusiasm for the CRASSrail hole Bill. Why is this significant? Because this edition [being aired on the BBC right now] is almost entirely given to all manner of references to the Eddington Report, mostly to do with charging, pricing and taxing motorists etc. So three is a stage absence of all references to Crossrail ! Doesn't this show, as if evidence were needed on top of those compiled and demonstrated by Khoodeelaar! over the past 3 years of campaign against CrossRail, that the crassly conceived project is a flawed and unmeritorious one?

[To be continued]

Breaking news, updates and other items

One of the comment pieces published in the INDEPENDENT on Saturday 2 December 2006 about the Rod Eddington report on Transport actually says that had Eddington been advising the UK Government of the day ten years previously, there would have been no Channel Tunnel rail Link. Which is absolutely clearly in line with the economic analasyis that Khoodeelaar! has been making about the Crass zeal for Crossrail shown by 'all the establishment' groups so far. Eddington does not endorse Crossrail in a ringing way. And it is because CrossRail is NOT a meritorious project. View the INDEPENDENT piece by-lined to that paper's 'Transport' editor Barrie Clement, by CLICKING HERE

Eddington warning against the dangers of being seduced by grand projects with speculative returns!

Even the Murdoch Times news outlet in London has been unable to find anything to celebrate for the CRASSrail in the Rod Eddington report. Khoodeelaar! is treating as a clear reference to CrossRail the use of the phrase by Eddington as found in this account published in the Murdoch, Times today: The Murdoch Times' Transport editor, in his report published today, Saturday 2 December 2006 covering the contents an the implications of the Eddington report says this, "Mr Brown will be relieved that Sir Rod plays down the idea of expensive schemes. The report recommends: “Do not be seduced by ‘grand projects’ with speculative returns.” "

Muhammad Haque commenting on the British press reports on Eddington

AADHIKAR in association with ‘KHOODEELAAR! the Brick Lane and Whitechapel London E1 Area No to CrossRail hole Bill’ campaign

The 5th Edition published from London at 1425 Hrs GMT /UK time on Saturday 2 December

2006About AADHIKAR Media Foundation, LEGAL DISCLAIMER in brief on accessing these contents and what the word AADHIKAR means Updated on Thursday 16 November 2006

Legal and evidential disclaimer: London Wednesday 29 November 2006Reporting and commentary exclusively commissioned, written, edited and published by AADHIKARonline coming straight from the centre of the East End of London engaged in the battle to defend the community against multifarious attacks by Big Business, their touts in control of the 'local democratic' council [!], an inept band of opposition on the council and assortment of other 'holders of public post' in the name of the local area

AADHIKARonline published by the AADHIKAR MEDIA FOUNDATION in association with Khoodeelaar! No to Crossrail hole Bill
– Publishing programme on Saturday 2 December 2006 – The forthcoming editions of the AADHIKARonline news and commentary pages will be dedicated mainly to the series under “ Khoodeelaar! Response to the Rod Eddington Report on Transport, as officially published on Friday 1 December 2006”. The report itself is titled as follows: “The Eddington - Transport Study - The case for action -Sir Rod Eddington’s advice to Government December 2006 ” [in this edition] include these:-

How the Eddington report vindicates the Khoodeelaar! Analasyis as far as it affects the matter of public funding and transport economics

How the Financial ‘journalists’ are not all as knowledgeable far less honest as they ought to be and why the Guardian has been lying about Eddington as part of the Guardian’s illicit and corrupt pact with Crossrail hole promoters generally and with Ken Livingstone in particular
Why CrossRail hole Bill-crazy Ken Livingstone doesn’t have the requisite knowledge to be taken seriously about anything he says on Transport economics, given the brazenly rightward and ignorant and petty and corrupting moves that Livingstone keeps making every day -
Why Tower Hamlets Council and other holders of public offices in the name of the people of Tower Hamlets should pay attention to the specific points that Khoodeelaar! Has made and points that are echoed in effect in the Eddington report

Even the incredibly establishment-pleasing Jonathan Dimbore, fronting the 'Any Answers' programme right now '1425 Hrs GMT Saturday 2 December 2006] has failed to show any enthusiasm for the CRASSrail hole Bill. Why is this significant? Because this edition [being aired on the BBC right now] is almost entirely given to all manner of references to the Eddington Report, mostly to do with charging, pricing and taxing motorists etc. So three is a stage absence of all references to Crossrail ! Doesn't this show, as if evidence were needed on top of those compiled and demonstrated by Khoodeelaar! over the past 3 years of campaign against CrossRail, that the crassly conceived project is a flawed and unmeritorious one?

[To be continued]

Breaking news, updates and other items

One of the comment pieces published in the INDEPENDENT on Saturday 2 December 2006 about the Rod Eddington report on Transport actually says that had Eddington been advising the UK Government of the day ten years previously, there would have been no Channel Tunnel rail Link. Which is absolutely clearly in line with the economic analasyis that Khoodeelaar! has been making about the Crass zeal for Crossrail shown by 'all the establishment' groups so far. Eddington does not endorse Crossrail in a ringing way. And it is because CrossRail is NOT a meritorious project. View the INDEPENDENT piece by-lined to that paper's 'Transport' editor Barrie Clement, by CLICKING HERE

Eddington warning against the dangers of being seduced by grand projects with speculative returns!

Even the Murdoch Times news outlet in London has been unable to find anything to celebrate for the CRASSrail in the Rod Eddington report. Khoodeelaar! is treating as a clear reference to CrossRail the use of the phrase by Eddington as found in this account published in the Murdoch, Times today: The Murdoch Times' Transport editor, in his report published today, Saturday 2 December 2006 covering the contents an the implications of the Eddington report says this, "Mr Brown will be relieved that Sir Rod plays down the idea of expensive schemes. The report recommends: “Do not be seduced by ‘grand projects’ with speculative returns.” "